تأثير القيم المحاسبية في ابداء الراي بالبيانات المالية وانعكاسها على قيمة الشركة

The Effect of Accounting Values ​​on Expressing an Opinion on Financial statements In addition, it is Reflection on the Value of the Company

Dr. Asaad Mohammed Ali Wahhabصدام حسان نجيب الخفاجي


    The research aims to determine the effect of accounting values ​​according to the Gray 1988 study (professional versus legal control, standardization versus flexibility, conservatism versus optimism, confidentiality versus transparency) in expressing an opinion on the company’s financial statements and the extent of this impact’s reflection on the value of the company. The research tools used were to distribute a questionnaire to a sample of account auditors and accounting professors in Iraqi universities, and the sample size was 106 respondents.

 The study reached some conclusions from it. The accounting values ​​are related to a direct relationship with the auditor’s report, through their effects on the accounting policies followed by the company in the process of accounting measurement and disclosure. There is an indirect impact relationship of accounting values ​​to the value of the company and across the mediating variable, which is the auditor’s report affected by it. There is an impact of the auditor’s report affected by the accounting values ​​on the value of the company that is the subject of the report, which appears through the direct relationship between them.

Keyward: Accounting Values, the external auditor’s report, Value of the Company