دور الانغراز الوظيفي في تعزيز الالتزام التنظيمي

The role of Job embeddedness  in  enhancing organizational commitment

(An exploratory study of the opinions of a group of teaching staff at the College of Administration and Economics – Karbala University)

         Ahmed jabar                           Amgad hamid                       Adil  majeed al nasrawe

   ahmed.jabar@gmail.edu.iq                                                           adil.m@uokerbala.edu.iq

Economics and Administration College – Karbala University



The aim of the research is to identify the level of Job embeddedness of employees in the College of Administration and Economics – University of Karbala with its organizational and societal dimensions represented by In six sub-dimensions (organizational linkages, organizational relevance, organizational sacrifice, community ties, societal suitability, organizational sacrifice) and its relationship to organizational commitment in its dimensions (emotional, normative, and continuous), In order to achieve the goal for which the research was carried out, and to test its hypotheses, a questionnaire prepared for this purpose was adopted and adapted to suit the teaching staff in the faculty subject of the research. The (Smart PLS) statistical program was used for its suitability to the sample size used, and to test the validity and reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, compound stability AVE), and to test the hypotheses, the pearson simple correlation matrix was used. We will conclude that the relationship between the two variables in the subject of research is a strong and positive relationship, and this proves that the administration of the College of Administration and Economics in question has interest in working professors and seeks to provide the appropriate atmosphere in the work environment that enables them to adhere to their work and present their best, and achieve success for their college.

Keyword: – Job embeddedness, organizational commitment.